South Carolina CLTC
Community Long Term Care
Community Long Term Care (CLTC) offers programs to help individuals who want to live at home,
need assistance with their care, and are financially eligible for Medicaid.
Click The Following links to learn more about each type of CLTC care:
Children's Personal Care
Personal Care services are available to eligible children from birth through the 20th year.
Children's Nursing Service
Nursing services are available to eligible children who meet the criteria for nursing services from birth through the 20th year.
Palmetto Senior Care
A program of the Palmetto Health Alliance that serves frail elderly (55+ who meet nursing home level of care).
Get started with care for your loved one under CLTC at Compassion Healthcare
We’re here to help and we understand the challenges you face taking care of a loved one with needs
Call us at 843-645-2273 or contact us to learn more about getting personal care or skilled nursing care from one of our compassionate caregivers under the Community Care Services Program.
Community Choices
CLTC can help individuals remain at home and avoid unnecessary or premature nursing home placement. CLTC services are available for persons age 18 years or older who are unable to perform activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, and toileting due to illness or disability. In order to meet the qualifications to enroll into the Community Choices waiver the individual must meet the same level of care that is needed to enter a nursing facility. Services offered in the Community Choices waiver include:
Personal Care Service
Helps with activities such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals, housekeeping, and observing health signs.
Attendant Care
A client directed service to provide personal care assistance.
Services that provide short-term relief for caregivers and needed supervision of clients
Environmental Modification
Pest control services and minor physical adaptation to the home.
Home Delivered Meals
Regular or special diet meals delivered to the client's home.
Adult Day Health Care(ADHC)
Medically supervised care and services provided at a licensed day care center. Transportation to and from the home is provided within 15-miles of the center.
ADHC Nursing
Limited skilled nursing procedures as ordered by a physician may be provided by the ADHC nurse at the center
Respite Care
Temporary relief for the client's caregiver by admission to an in-patient facility (nursing home or hospital) or community residential care facility (CRCF).
Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
Provides an electronic device which enables high risk individuals to secure help in the event of an emergency.
Limited Incontinence Supplies
Provides limited supply of diapers and underpads.
CLTC may be able to help individuals of any age who have HIV/AIDS and are considered to be at risk for hospitalization.
Services offered in the HIV/AIDS waiver include:
Personal Care Service
Helps with activities such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals, housekeeping, and observing health signs.
Attendant Care
A client directed service to provide personal care assistance
Services that provide short-term relief for caregivers and needed supervision of clients.
Environmental Modification
Pest control services and minor physical adaptation to the home.
Home Delivered Meals
Regular or special diet meals delivered to the client's home.
Private Duty Nursing
Provides skilled medical monitoring, direct care and intervention in order for health care needs to be maintained through home support.
Foster Care
Provides a supplemental payment based on the individual needs of children in DSS Foster Care diagnosed with AIDS.
Prescription Drugs
Provides two additional prescription medications above State Plan limit per month.
Limited Incontinence Supplies and Nutritional Supplements
Provides limited supply of diapers, underpads, and nutritional supplements.
Mental or Related
Waiver services are available for individuals with mental or a related disability, who meet the ICF/MR level of care. Those services include the following:
Personal Care Service
Helps with activities such as bathing, dressing, preparing meals, housekeeping, and observing health signs.
Private Duty Nursing
Provides skilled medical monitoring, direct care and intervention in order for health care needs to be maintained through home support.
Adult Day Health Care (ADHC)
Medically supervised care and services provided at a licensed day care center. Transportation to and from the home is provided within 15-miles of the center.
Psychological Services
Mental health services that are designed to serve the needs of the disability population.
Behavior support
A mental health service that identifies problem behaviors and with the use of appropriate interventions and supports prevent or reduce the problem behavior.
Institutional Respite Care
Temporary relief for the caregiver by admitting the client to an inpatient facility (nursing home or hospital).
Non-Institutional Respite Care
Provides temporary relief for the primary caregiver and avoids institutionalization.
Residential Habilitation
Assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement in skills related to the activities of daily living.
Day Habilitation
Assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement in self-help, socialization and adaptive skills that take place in a non-residential setting.
Prevocational Habilitation
Services are aimed at preparing an individual for paid or unpaid employment but are not job-task oriented.
Supported Employment
Services that consist of paid employment for persons for whom competitive employment at or above the minimum wage is unlikely, and who, because of their disabilities, need intensive ongoing support to perform in a work setting.
Adult Companion
Services that provide short-term relief for caregivers and needed supervision of clients.
Environmental Modification
Physical adaptations made to the clients home to ensure health, safety, and welfare and enable the waiver client to have greater independence while residing in the home.
Private Vehicle Modification
Modifications made to privately owned vehicles driven or used to transport MR waiver recipients to enhance independence in the community.
Specialized Equipment
Equipment provided to MR waiver clients to ensure health, safety and welfare and/or increase independence in the home and community.
Specialized Supplies
Supplies covered by the MR waiver include but are not limited to incontinence supplies, Hearing Aids, wipes, etc.
Personal Emergency Response System(PERS)
Provides an electronic device that enables high-risk individuals to secure help in the event of an emergency.
Prescribed Drugs
MR waiver clients are eligible for two extra prescriptions above the Medicaid state plan limit.
Vision Services
MR waiver clients are eligible for vision services including glasses.
Therapy Services
MR waiver clients are eligible for Speech, Physical, Occupational Therapy and Audiological services.
Dental Services
MR waiver clients are eligible for routine and emergency dental services.
Head and Spinal Cord Injury
Services for individuals ages 0 - 65 with head and/or spinal cord injuries and meeting the nursing facility or ICF/MR level of care. Services in the Head and Spinal Cord Waiver include:
Attendant Care
A client or company directed service to provide personal care assistance.
Private Duty Nursing
Provides skilled medical monitoring, direct care and intervention in order for health care needs to be maintained through home support.
Psychological Services
Mental health services that are designed to serve the needs of the disability population.
Behavior support
A mental health service that identifies problem behaviors and with the use of appropriate interventions and supports prevent or reduce the problem behavior.
Institutional Respite Care
Temporary relief for the caregiver by admitting the client to an inpatient facility (nursing home or hospital).
Non-Institutional Respite Care
Provides temporary relief for the primary caregiver and avoids institutionalization.
Residential Habilitation
Assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement in skills related to the activities of daily living.
Day Habilitation
Assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement in self-help, socialization and adaptive skills that take place in a non-residential setting.
Prevocational Habilitation
Services are aimed at preparing an individual for paid or unpaid employment, but are not job-task oriented.
Supported Employment
Services that consist of paid employment for persons for whom competitive employment at or above the minimum wage is unlikely, and who, because of their disabilities, need intensive ongoing support to perform in a work setting.
Environmental Modification
Physical adaptations made to the clients home to ensure health, safety, and welfare and enable the waiver client to have greater independence while residing in the home.
Private Vehicle Modification
Modifications made to privately owned vehicles driven or used to transport HASCI waiver recipients to enhance independence in the community.
Specialized Equipment
Equipment provided to HASCI waiver clients to ensure health, safety and welfare and/or increase independence in the home and community.
Specialized Supplies
Supplies covered by the HASCI waiver include but are not limited to incontinence supplies, Hearing Aids, wipes, etc.
Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
Provides an electronic device that enables high-risk individuals to secure help in the event of an emergency.
Prescribed Drugs
HASCI waiver clients are eligible for two extra prescriptions above the Medicaid state plan limit.
Therapy Services
HASCI waiver clients are eligible for Speech, Physical, Occupational Therapy and Audiological services.
Health Education for Consumer Directed Care
A service that prepares and assists capable individuals who desire to manage their own personal care to identify and manage their own medical needs. A registered nurse provides education in bowel care, skin care, substance abuse issues, etc.
Peer Guidance for Consumer Directed Care
This service is done by a trained Peer Supporter who provides information, advice and encouragement to help a person with spinal cord injury/severe physical disability in recruiting, training and supervising primary and back-up attendant care/personal assistance providers.